Professionally Certified

   AWS Certified Welding
   RTD SBE Certified
   AISC Certification Pending

About Integrity Iron, LLC

Founded in May 2006 as a Colorado, Limited Liability Company, Integrity Iron, LLC has grown to become a regarded medium sized structural and miscellaneous steel erector serving clients throughout Colorado and the neighboring states.

Our prime objective is to provide a safe working environment for our employees while we produce the highest possible quality in the shortest possible time for our customers regardless of the project size! Using a collaborative management style from the perimeter in, Integrity Iron, LLC customers have come to know that we take absolute ownership of the steel erection process. By doing this, we typically can deliver the lowest possible cost producing for our customers and ourselves the highest possible profit.

Let Integrity Iron, LLC put its expertise to work for you on your next project that requires structural and/or miscellaneous steel erection.

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